The Harry Potter Edition OnePlus Watch was finally unveiled earlier today in India. It comes just three months ahead of the twentieth anniversary of the original Harry Potter movie release and brings a Hogwarts-themed look. Pricing is set at INR 16,999 ($225) with early access sales starting on October 20 at 12 noon IST time.
OnePlus Watch Harry Potter Edition (images: OnePlus)
OnePlus Watch Harry Potter Edition comes with the exact same specs as the original OnePlus Watch with a circular 1.39-inch AMOLED screen, proprietary OS and two weeks rated battery life. The stainless steel casing features a copper color finish while the strap is made from vegan leather and has an embossed Hogwarts crest.
OnePlus Watch Harry Potter Edition (images: OnePlus)
You also get several software tweaks with exclusive watch faces for all four Hogwarts houses - Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw as well as Harry Potter-themed icons and animations throughout the UI. The packaging is also redone to fit the wizardly theme.
If you want to know more about the OnePlus Watch, you can head over to our OnePlus Watch review here and OnePlus Watch Cobalt Limited Edition review here to learn more about the wearables.