Yesterday Xiaomi announced it will unveil the Redmi Note 11 series on October 28. The company didn't divulge any specs, but a couple of images it shared revealed the Note 11 will pack a punch-hole display and sport a triple camera system on the rear. Today we are looking at the new set of official teasers, which give us a better look at the Note 11 in the Misty Forest (machine translated from Chinese) color.
You can see the smartphone has flat edges, with the USB-C port placed at the bottom, joined by a speaker and a microphone. The phone also has the 3.5mm headphone jack, located at the top alongside an IR blaster and another speaker, tuned by JBL.
On the right-side frame is the volume rocker and a power button, which seemingly has a fingerprint reader embedded for biometric authentication.
Redmi Note 11 official teasers
Redmi says the Note 11 is 8.34mm thick but doesn't reveal the rest of its dimensions and weight. However, with the unveiling still a week away, you can expect the company to drop more teasers in a bid to build the hype around the Note 11 series.
Source 1, 2, 3 (all in Chinese)