Apple recently settled one patent lawsuit out of court (with Nokia) and now they may be on track to settle another one - the one with Samsung. The judge on the case suggested both companies settle out of court and Apple's attorney divulged that Apple and Samsung executives "at the highest levels" have been talking.
The Apple vs. Samsung case was beginning to turn into a he said, she said kind of deal with both companies requesting to see the other's upcoming phones and tablets. Samsung was already ordered by the court to hand over their gadgets as Apple alleges that they copy Apple technology.
Anyway, Apple's lawyer said on Friday that the high-level executives from both companies are meeting, but refused to comment further. Apple is Samsung second biggest customer (to the tune of $5.7 billion) so getting this case settled is in the interest of both companies.
The judge on the case hasn’t ruled yet so the possibility for settling out of court is still wide open. But who will end up paying the royalties this time or will they reach some sort of a cross-licensing agreement?