Panasonic has launched a new budget Android smartphone, the Eluga I9. The phone is priced at INR 7,499 ($116) and will be available exclusively on Flipkart in India starting December 15.
The Eluga I9 has a 5-inch 720p IPS display in a 7.8mm thickness unibody design. It is powered by a MediaTek MT6737 processor with 1.25GHz quad-core CPU, with 3GB of RAM, and 32GB of expandable storage. On the back is a 13 megapixel camera and on the front a 5 megapixel camera, both with flash. The phone has a 2500mAh battery and comes with Android 7.0 Nougat.
The Eluga I9 will be available in three colors, Space Gray, Champagne Gold and Blue.