The Samsung Galaxy A30s and Galaxy A50s unveiled last month have arrived in India. The A30s is priced at INR16,999 ($240/€215) and comes in 4GB/64GB configuration.
The Galaxy A50s, on the other hand, is offered in two versions - 4GB/128GB priced at INR22,999 ($320/€290) and 6GB/128GB for INR24,999 ($350/€315).
Both smartphones come in Prism Crush Black, Prism Crush Violet and Prism Crush White colors, and are already available for purchase through the company's official site.
Samsung Galaxy A30s and Galaxy A50s
The Galaxy A30s is powered by an Exynos 7885 SoC and flaunts a 6.4" HD+ Super AMOLED display, whereas the A50s has an Exynos 9610 SoC at the helm with a 6.4" screen boasting 1080p resolution.
The A30s and A50s both feature a triple camera setup at the back, but the former has a 25MP unit while the latter sports a 48MP module. You can head over here to check out the detailed specs of both smartphones.
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